David at Harvard Bookstore


I work with companies, philanthropic institutions, and mission-centered organizations in the midst of change. I believe the strongest strategies are those that have been tested in the field. They come from those of us who’ve done it, failed first, learned, pivoted, figured it out, pulled it off, and scaled it. I’m an entrepreneur who founded and scaled an award-winning, first-of-its kind social enterprise called Resilient Coders that trains people of color for careers as software engineers and connects them with jobs as such, tripling the salary of our average graduate. I’ve written a book about this space, and speak extensively at gatherings of other justice-minded people.

Here's where I'm most helpful:

1 Fractional leadership. I can be engaged as an ad interim CEO or COO in a moment of transition or rapid growth. I can be hired to lead a nascent program or venture, validating an opportunity ahead of a more robust investment, building launch-ready operational systems and the team to scale it.

2 Strategic planning and change management at key inflection points. Setting new goals for a new moment, and building strategies by which to achieve them. Developing communication processes for transparency, accountability, and for the gathering of momentum.

3 Fundraising, through values-driven, data-supported narrative setting.

Specifically within workforce development and education:

1 Develop exceptional technical training initiatives and learn-to-earn programs that put people into good, high-growth careers. You might be a business, or league of businesses, looking to build your own talent farming solution. Or a coalition of organizations that have received Federal funding under the Regional TechHubs opportunity, or the Digital Equity Programs (within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act). Instruction is based on a dialogical, student-centric Freirian model, applied to an employer-sourced skills matrix. We build educational experiences that are both equitable and effective.

2 Work with other workforce development practitioners, joining them in strengthening and expanding what they already do well. This includes scaling to new markets, exploring new programmatic opportunities, and revisiting theories of change. We like getting to know our partners and the context within which they work. The terrain might be new to us, but the journey is familiar.

3 Facilitate exploration within education nonprofits regarding the impact of artificial intelligence on pedagogy. It's increasingly important for them to have an informed position on how and why they're leveraging AI in the classroom, or consciously avoiding it.

"David is unique – he’s sincere, straightforward, and relentlessly passionate about improving the world through equity and technology. He champions other leaders and knows when and how to make room for necessary growth and change."

Rachael Drew. Lead, Economic Prosperity, Global Programs. MIT Solve

"David has a genuine approach and deep understanding of building successful organizations. His authenticity and connection to community will help any group thrive!"

Dan Noyes. CEO, Tech Goes Home

Contact me at david@delmarsenties.com.